The exhaustive guide to Microsoft Teams conversations - for now.

Darrell Webster
Microsoft MVP
So you think you know all you need to know about Conversations in Microsoft Teams? With new ways to communicate continuing to arrive, I'm sure you don't know all you need to know. In fact, even as I typed this abstract, 2 new ways to hold conversations in Teams were announced in the 365 Message Center!
It's about time someone brought them all together and told some stories to make sense of it all.
In this session, attendees will learn about the different ways to hold conversations, from chat to channels to moderated threads, to tagged conversations. I'll even tell a couple of stories to put private channel conversations in the context of real Teams teamwork.
But most importantly, learn how to tell your people about the different conversation options in Teams without overwhelming them. Improve adoption by starting with what they need and know.
While not Intermediate level in technical ability, you better bring your adoption-fu and change-kwon-do to this conversation. It's an Intermediate conversation when trying to explain sensibly to our end-users.
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This session was presented by Darrell at the Collab365 GlobalCon1.